
Tom MUlhern, FOUNDER

Tom has spent nearly 30 years as a strategist, writer, facilitator and team leader for The New. As a senior leader for Doblin, Gensler, Conifer and VSA Partners and as an independent consultant, He has helped conceive products and services as well as buildings and urban plans. He has crafted strategies for new brands and developed new takes on old brands.

Tom is on a perpetual hunt for new ways to frame challenges and new approaches to design strategy and applied design thinking. He is passionate and knowledgable about stakeholder engagement in the design process, connected health, purpose-driven workplaces, embedded intelligence and the unique power of places and shared experiences to transform how we live, work and learn.

His joy and special gift is to use his core skills as a writer and talker to unite diverse people around common purpose in order to defy the gravity of conventional thinking.

For some details, take a look at Tom’s LinkedIn profile (and please link if we’re not already).

As the Studio gets going. We are seeking like-minded collaborators who share passion and vision for the power of confluent collaboration. We are particularly interested in working with other strategists, design researchers, communication designers, writers and creatively-inclined experts in economics, technology and culture.

Want to join, hire or hang out with Studio Y? Let us know.